
Montee Run for Autism

Montee Run for Autism

Dalam rangka memeriahkan World Autism Awareness Day di tanggal 2 April 2022, Montee mengadakan acara spesial MONTEE RUN FOR AUTISM untuk mengajak seluruh masyarakat turut serta meramaikan bersama-sama special Autism Day!

Untuk memeriahkan acara ini, Montee menggandeng Vin Autism dan Yayasan Autis di Indonesia lainnya. Acara ini juga akan mendonasikan sebagian pendapatan dari kegiatan ini kepada salah satu Yayasan Autis di Indonesia loh!

Setiap peserta yang membeli Running Jersey by Montee Sport yang berkolaborasi dengan lukisan by Vin Autism akan mendapatkan goodie bag menarik dan special doorprize keping emas di akhir acara! 😍😍

Race Information

Race type: individual

Run within: 1 Apr 2022 00:00 - 31 Dec 2023 23:59 (GMT+7)

Completion: complete in max 30 days (less if start late); multiple runs

Registration closes: on 31 Dec 2023 23:59 (GMT+7) or while slots last

Price: from IDR 175,000 including medal delivery of maximum IDR 15,000

Categories: 25km Run, 50km Run and 100km Run

Multiple category registrations: not allowed

Run for a reason! Earn IDR 25,000 for Autism for every registration

Finisher's awards: finisher's medal with no engraving, e-certificate and e-badge

Montee for Autism (front)
Montee for Autism (rear)
click/tab medal to flip

Estimated medal delivery: 5-7 days upon race completion

General rules:

  • Refund and/or transfer of bib is not allowed.
  • "No completion, no award"; This race is based on honour system, account may be suspended if false/fake submissions are found.

Fundraising Update!

77 racers registered. IDR 5,030,000 raised.

Registration to Montee Run for Autism has been closed.